The cleanliness and sanitation levels of sporting complexes, gyms, and yoga and dance studios in Broward are extremely integral to the business of these services. Therefore, proper disinfection services are important to them. A1 BioHazard Broward is the best cleanup and sanitation service.
If you have any cleanup job relating to biohazard waste disposal, accidental cleanup as well as bad odor issues, then we are here to do the job for you.
A1 Biohazard Broward has a thorough cleaning and disinfection process, we are constantly improving our techniques and training our staff so that we can cater to our customers more effectively.

If your location is facing water damage, we can help with water restoration services. We will restore your property to its original state. Our trained technicians are qualified to cater to any level of damage and to reverse it and ensure that the outlook is improved. Furthermore, if your gym, yoga, or dance studio has been neglected for a long time, resulting in mold development, we can provide you with mold removal services. Our staff is trained in the proper removal process, leaving your property clean and fresh again.
Our staff is trained and works according to the guidelines of the CDC. We ensure proper waste disposal as well as cleanup, decontamination, and disinfection so as to curtail the spread of infectious diseases. This is especially important when it comes to high-traffic areas such as gyms, yoga, and dance studios. There is a high risk of exposure to viruses and bacteria. Hence, A1 BioHazard Broward can provide you with the proper waste disposal management as well as decontamination and disinfection of the areas.
If you have a suspected case of the coronavirus or want to disinfect the premises as a preventative measure, A1 Biohazard Broward is here to provide these services. We have a trained staff that is equipped with the required protective gear to deal with the pandemic situation.

Reopening plans of gyms, yoga, and dance studios are being put in place as businesses work in accordance with the changed world following the COVID-19 outbreak. There are various aspects to consider, but the first and most integral is to create a clean and safe environment for your gym’s/yoga and dance studio’s staff and members.
To achieve this, it is important to realize that only cleaning is not enough— a proper process of disinfecting and sanitizing will have to be added to your cleaning regimen as members return to your gym. Let experts take on this take and help instill the confidence that has been shaken by the onset of this pandemic. Our coronavirus response services will help your guests/members and staff feel safer by performing sanitizing services once, or regularly, applying disinfectant to high-touch surfaces and throughout facilities using sprayers and foggers and techniques and products recommended by CDC and approved by the EPA. Taking these steps along with social distancing can reduce the risk of spread.
A1 BioHazard Broward can also make recommendations for mitigation strategies including no-touch products which we can install. You can choose how you want to continue to limit exposure to the virus. Your staff members may not be as trained and thorough as our trained experts when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting against the COVID-19 virus.
Our employees and customers are very important to us. We follow the guidelines laid down by OSHA and provide complete protective gear whenever an employee has to face a high-risk and high-exposure situation.
Hence, it is not advised that your own employees deal with these risky situations themselves, you may be subjected to litigation in case of harm to the employees.

A1 BioHazard Broward is here to cater to all your cleanup jobs and disinfection needs. Rest assured that we are the best. Our dedication and professionalism is a testament to our work because we care.
Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number for a free estimation or consultation. Our employees will assess your situation and then devise a disinfection plan for you. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction and continue to help our customers out, whenever needed, our customer service representatives are available 24/7 to answer any queries you may have. For more information about our services, you may browse through our website.