Offices are high population places and because of the high population of offices, they are also heavily regulated. OSHA has laid down specific guidelines for the conditions in which employees are to work. The employer has to ensure that the place of employment is such that it creates no harm for the employee. Has your workspace become the site of a traumatic event, injury, or other biohazard and medical waste situation?
No matter how much safety is provided to the employee, workplace accidents can and do happen. In the unfortunate event of an employee injury or death, you would need professional services for the blood spill and bodily fluids cleanup job.

A1 BioHazard Broward provides the best crime scene, trauma, unattended death cleanups. A1 BioHazard Broward will take care of all your biohazard cleanup jobs. It is extremely important that biohazard, blood spills, and bodily fluids cleanup is done effectively and properly. If the affected areas are not disinfected and decontaminated properly, they can result in blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis A and B as well as the spread of HIV. Such grave infectious diseases also mean that your employees are not protected and you may have to face litigation if your employee gets sick on the job.
Therefore, leave it to the professionals to do your cleanup job for you. We use hospital-grade, EPA approved disinfectants and follow a thorough cleanup process Apart from having to deal with biohazard and accidental cleanups, your office may require odor remediation, especially if you have many employees who have the habit of smoking. Lingering smells of cigarettes can result in passive smoking which is injurious to health, especially for non-smokers. We at A1 BioHazard Broward are experts in property restoration and will take care of all your cleanup jobs.
If you are in a flood warning region or located by the coastal areas, your office faces the risk of flooding. Such cases result in water damage and may require water restoration. We provide the best services including water restoration, so you can count on us! If your office has faced a water pipe leakage, then we can help you with that too.

Neglect by the janitorial staff can result in improper cleaning and may cause mold growth. If that is the case, then we can help you with mold removal. We have an extensive cleaning process, and our experts reach places that are overlooked or ignored, otherwise.
During the on-going global pandemic, many offices were closed and workers were working from home. CDC had laid down guidelines for the reopening of offices. Is your professional workspace ready to reopen? Have you already reopened but had a confirmed or suspected case of Coronavirus? If the answer to these questions is yes, then call us right up. We will dispatch a team of experts who will then do an initial assessment of the affected areas. Once that is done, a proper cleaning, disinfection, and decontamination plan will be devised. Our expert technicians will then follow the devised plan for the disinfection of the place. Be sure to not expose your employees in such a situation and to seal off the office, if you have suspicions of virus exposure. Our expert team has proper personal protective equipment that protects them against infectious diseases.
If you want to ensure that your office is protected against the COVID-19 virus, you can employ our services as a coronavirus preventative measure. We can also help your staff feel safer by performing sanitizing services once, or regularly, applying disinfectant to high-touch surfaces and throughout workspaces using sprayers and foggers and techniques and products recommended by CDC and approved by the EPA. Taking these steps along with social distancing can reduce the risk of spread. A1 BioHazard Broward can also make recommendations for mitigation strategies including no-touch products which we can install.

Our customer representatives are available 24/7 for any queries that you may have regarding our services. Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number for a free estimate. You may find additional information on our website.
Make your office safe again, let our professionals do your cleanup jobs for you. A1 BioHazard Broward is the best biohazard cleanup services.
We pride in customer satisfaction and providing the best services for you, to restore your office.